Friday, 23 January 2015

11 Second Club Project

The Eleven Second club project is a solo project unlike the Funny in 15 film which was a group assignment. Here, our task was to take the month’s 11 second audio clip from the official Eleven Second Club website, and create an animation that is suitable for it, and then mix in the audio track with our animation and create a movie.
As you can see, I have chosen the scenario of a father talking to his son outside on the street. The story was that the family had had a fight, and then son packed his suitcase and decided to move out. And here he is seen waiting for a taxi right outside his house. The father then walks in from behind and then tries talk some wisdom into him, not explicitly telling him to stop whatever he's doing, but just to take a deep breath and think about his actions carefully. It's all up to the son after all.


I downloaded both character rigs from the offical eleven second club website, and modified the Norman Rig to look like a man in his 50's.

Ran into a few problems on this one. One major problem was the timing of the whole animation. I found out in the end, as I was putting it all together in adobe premiere, that the audio was not fully in sync with the clip. Even if it started right, at the end it just wouldn't be in sync. So I manually stretched out a few frames towards the end, where it starts to go out of sync, so that the hand gestures and lip movements all matched the audio track.




London Street

I have been working on this 3D model for a little while now. It is based on a roundabout in London just ahead of Waterloo Bridge. I've used Maya so far on this,

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

10 Second VFX Shot

Our course has given us an assignment of creating a 8-10 second shot where we have to blend in live footage and CGI.

For my shot I have chosen to take video footage of a short stroll through the student residences in which I live in, and in that shot I will composite a 3D spaceship fly by, a quick 180 degree camera turn and then a short aerial battle which will feature a couple of of spaceships, laser blasts, explosions, debris, and mud splatter.

We have 2 weeks to finish this project (short time, so I'll have to work extra hard every day to get it done by the deadline).

The spaceships are based on the Tie Fighter model and the X-Wing model found in the Star Wars movies.

This idea occured to me quite easily, because on the first day I arrived on the student residences, Glasney Student Village, I had gotten quite a strong Star Wars vibe from this place. I don't know what it is, maybe its the style of the buildings and layout of the place or its the colour scheme of the colony coupled with the gray skies of England that reminded me of Coruscant and the Death Star (the dominant colour of those two places is also gray). So when I got this assignment, I thought this would be composite a star wars themed aerial battle in this place that reminds me of Star Wars!

After finishing and animating the 3D models, I plan to composite it in the live footage with NUKE.

Log: Blogger is acting very buggy at the moment and I can't upload images of my finished Tie Fighter model.

 Our course has extended the deadline of this project from 30th Jan to 6th Feb. I had decided to scrap the X wing model because of lack of time, but now I think I'll put that in the project again.

I made a really big mistake in the time planning section of this assignment. I spent too much time on modelling the spaceship and adding in too much detail. I made the same mistake last year as well on the Street Modelling project.

I'll have to pay more focus to the compositing section of this assignment now.

Log (29th Jan 2015):

I shot the footage today for the live action plate. It was quite cumbersome as the weather today was very sporadic - Spells of heavy rain and hail, and sessions of sunlight. I had to pick a time when there were enough clouds in the sky as I am going for the grey skies look, but to ensure it doesn't rain. And it looks like I did it in the nick of time, as it started to rain heavily as soon as I finished shooting the footage.

Here are two shots of the work I accomplished today. I'm planning on splitting the sequence into 2 parts. The tie fighter one, and the x wing one.